Dec 19, 2010

robotics frameworks, software

Robotics Software Projects

  • Actin Software toolkit for control and simulation of complex robotic systems by Energid Technologies.
  • ARIA robot API libraries Source available under GNU; compatible with pioneers, peoplebot, seekur, amigobot, powerbot and other robots; programmable with Java, C++, Python under WIN/Linux.
  • CLARAty - Coupled-Layer Architecture for Robotic Autonomy. It is a collaborative effort among four institutions: NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA Ames Research Center, Carnegie Mellon, and the University of Minnesota.

  • Dave's Robotic Operating System (DROS) Free Software for the robotics researcher or hobbyist.
  • Distributed Control Framework Java Framework for Distributed Control
  • emss iRobot Create Framework, Open Source C++ Programming Framework for iRobot Create.
  • ERSP - A commercial robot software system by Evolution Robotics.
  • Experimental Robotics Framework - A software for making experiments with multiple robots in 3d, with support for the latest technologies, that sits on top of Player/Stage and Open/CV.
  • intelligent Robot Software Platform (iRSP) - Open developer’s platform for building intelligent robots. Supports an intelligent agent based problem solving and learning, which learns problem solving procedures and plans. It is a component-based development framework supporting a number of generic components at any number of levels of abstraction. IRSP supports a full life cycle of robotic development including simulations.
  • MARIE - Mobile and Autonomous Robotics Integration Environment - is a Free Software using a component-based approach to build robotics software systems by integrating previously-existing and new software components.
  • Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio - Uses a component based approach. Each component is a service. Services are orchestrated through the CCR (Concurrency and Coordination Runtime) and DSS (Decentralized Software Services). Current version (2.0) includes a Microsoft XNA-Framework based simulator with physics simulation and a Visual Programming Language.
  • MobileEyes/MobilePlanner drag-n-drop software for non-roboticists to set up robot workspaces, pick-up and drop-offs or checkpoints, routes, schedules, patrols and tours. Enables installation of commercial delivery, security and hospitality robots in hospitals, hotels, labs and other facilities.
  • MobileSIM, built on the Stage simulator platform. MobileSim provides access to simulated robots and their environment with ARIA programs.
  • The Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) - An open-source set of C++ libraries and applications which cover grabbing, visualizing and manipulating datasets, particle filter and Kalman filter-based SLAM, linear algebra, robotics sensors and MATLAB-like plot rendering.
  • OpenJAUS - An open-source component based approach that uses standarized messages and transport methods to create interoperable robotic systems.
  • OpenRDK - An open-source software framework for robotics for developing loosely-coupled modules. It provides transparent concurrency management, inter-process (via sockets) and intra-process (via shared memory) blackboard-based communication and a linking technique that allows for input/output data ports conceptual system design. Modules for connecting to simulators and generic robot drivers are provided.
  • OPRoS- The OPRoS is an open source platform based on components. It provides an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for developing components and monitoring robots; a robot framework for controlling the components in the robot and managing their faults; a simulator for components and content; a server for managing the component repository and agents for execution of the proxy services instead of the components in the robot; and a test and evaluation system for components, contents, and developed software. Especially, the IDE consists of a component editor, a block editor, and a script editor. The source code will be available in August 2009.
  • Orca - an open-source framework for developing component-based robotic systems. It provides the means for defining and developing the building-blocks which can be pieced together to form arbitrarily complex robotic systems, from single vehicles to distributed sensor networks. Inter-component communication is implemented using Ice middleware.
  • Orchestra Control Engine - A suite of software components (based on Linux/RTAI) for realtime industrial robots and machines control.
  • OROCOS - the Open Robot Control Software project provides a Free Software toolkit for realtime robot arm and machine tool control.
  • Player/Stage Project - A very popular Free Software robot interface and simulation system, used for robotics research and teaching worldwide.
  • Pyro, Python Robotics - Popular robotics Free Software used in universities and colleges. Easy to use, yet powerful, allows students and researchers to write high-level programs to explore Artificial Intelligence and robotics without worrying about low-level details.
  • roboDNA - RoboDNA researches Dashboard technologies used to operate robots from a PC, including a free version for the Lego NXT.
  • RoboMind - Educational software to learn the basics of robotics and programming.
  • ROS - Robot Operating System by Willow Garage
  • Robot Intelligence Kernel
  • Robotmaster - CAD/CAM software for robot programming and simulation developed by Jabez Technologies Inc.
  • RoSta, a European project on robot architectures and middleware approaches. It also provides plenty of information on architectural patterns/styles, data logging/storage and catalog of robot software.
  • Skilligent - a commercial control system for autonomous service robots. The control system enables creation of robots which can be trained by end users - vs. programmed by a software engineer.
  • URBI - Universal Real-time Behavior Interface from Gostai.
  • Webots - A commercial robot simulation package that allows physically realistic simulations and allows you to prototype your own robot. It also comes with a broad palette of predesigned robot models, e.g. Aibo, e-puck, khepera, hoap2, hemisson, pioneer, etc.
  • Workspace 5 - Industrial Robotics offline programming and simulation.
  • YARP - Yet Another Robotic Platform, an open source platform for research in robotics

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